Saturday, May 31, 2008

Boys will be Boys!

This picture was the first time Cory had went Bowling! He bowled a 89 which is pretty good for a two year old He is my little Cowboy. I love this hat and when he dances to the Wiggles it is so so cute
A new Hair cut for Cory.. I cut his hair like 2 weeks ago he loves it he says "Feel the Wind on my head cuz my hair is gone" he is getting so big and useing alot more words now
Cory and Spaz always sleep together they are best friends
Stick them or i will shot!!!! And he will him and his dad both have the came cap guns and are not afarid to shot you when you have been bad!

Laundry day with Boo Boo

Boo Boo loves to help Mommy around the house she does everything! She loves to do Laundry and Loves to put toys away ( along with taking them out and make a mess!) Cory trys to help but he gets to side tracked into everythings esle must be the boy in him lol!

My Oreo Baby

Isabelle loves her cookies and he big Brother loves to share them with her.
Jeremiah and I were playing a game and he got up to go get a drink out of the kitchen and look at Belle and was like holy crap look at her she is all sorts of dirty!
I looked over at her and we alljust laughted and Cory ran downstaris and got my Camera and said mom take boos Picture..
So of course i did!
I was hoping to get her one tooth in them but she hides it really really well.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Also We really hope to see you all at the party next saturday